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You Don’t Pay Us Until You Get Paid More.

New Clinician Fee

E1 Medical Advisors will receive 6% of your sign-on bonus or stipend and 3% of the base salary per year for 3 years, paid monthly for 36 months.


  • Dr. A was offered $300,000 per year. E1 Medical Advisors helped Dr. A negotiate a $50,000 sign-on bonus and an increase to a $400,000 yearly salary.
  • E1 Medical Advisors will receive $3,000 of the $50,000 sign-on bonus and $1,000 of the $33,333 monthly salary per month for 36 months.

Established Clinician Fee

E1 Medical Advisors will receive 15% of the difference between the previous compensation and the newly negotiated compensation paid monthly for 36 months.

  • This is 15% of the difference between the old and the new base salary and 15% of the difference between old and new productivity bonuses, based on the most recent productivity numbers.
  • If your productivity goes up, E1 Medical Advisors receives $0 additional payment. If your productivity goes down, then the payments to E1 Medical Advisors will be reduced commensurate to that amount. This will be paid monthly for 36 months.


  • Before using E1 Medical Advisors, Dr. B was making $400,000 per year. We helped Dr. B negotiate their yearly salary to $500,000, a $100,000 increase.
  • E1 Medical Advisors will receive $1,250 paid monthly for the extra $8,333 that we helped Dr. B obtain for 36 months.

Multi-Physician Group Fee

Fees are variable based on negotiating needs.

Contact E1 Medical Advisors for pricing and consultation.